JACK IS CURRENTLY LOCATED IN WHANGANUI We do not send dogs around the country except in special circumstances, so we prefer that you be able to visit Jack in Whanganui. Please no South Island applications unless you are williing to travel to Whanganui.

Jack is a 10 months old Foxie. He is 10 kg in weight so is a normal Foxie, not a mini! He is a bouncy high energy little guy, just a normal young Fox Terrier.

Jack has been de-sexed, vaccinated, microchipped and registered and up to date with flea/worm treatments.

We don’t know what he’s like with cats, but as he’s just a pup, there is no reason why he could not learn to behave well with all other animals, with the correct training.

There is an adoption fee of $300 to contribute towards these costs. This is heavily subsidised for you and represents approximately half of what it would cost you normally.

Jack’s new home must have a safe secure place for him to be while you are out. ARAN dogs cannot be chained to kennels or left for very long periods home alone. All ARAN dogs must sleep indoors.

Jack needs a SECURE fenced property with no escape route!!

Our adoptions start with a two week trial period, to make sure the dog is a good fit for you. If things don’t work out they return to their foster home.

The first step if you are interested in adopting is to fill out an online adoption application which you can do here: http://www.jotform.com/aranrescuenz/questionnaire